In international development, access to finance at the local level is one of the biggest obstacles to real and sustainable progress. Wealthy donor agencies bring exciting promise of great opportunities, but many require matching funding or only agree to short-term engagements after which local businesses scramble to secure ongoing support. The local businesses find it […]
Laura Payne, co-founder of Outdoor Albania and local travel activist, believes that local traveling is about meeting and connecting with the locals and experiencing their culture, as well as about preserving nature and bringing economical benefits to those who need it most. Six years ago, Laura paid her first visit to Albania and directly fell […]
The local travel movement is one of the newest sustainable travel sub-categories to surface. Local travel has the same set of values as sustainable travel. Local travel aims to respect and positively impact the local people, culture, environment, and economy. According to the Local Travel Movement website, this movement “was started by a coalition of […]
Bridging the gap between independent and organized group travel An age-old conflict exists between travelers who prefer to strike out on their own – independents – and those who prefer to join organized tours – groupies. Independents refuse to part with their sense of self-driven freedom and adventure. The spontaneity of flying solo with a […]
As more attention is given to the preservation and development of a destination’s local culture and character, a new website has launched to embrace, develop, promote and establish “Local Travel” as a responsible way forward in tourism. Responsible travel is a living, evolving entity. As the world economy shifts, travel trends tend to adapt to […]
Finally, a movement that will hopefully bring more and more travelers to travel locally. Over the years, this type of travel is growing. Am talking about the new website, a website bringing together proponents of local travel all in one place, so it is visible and has a movement status. socialtours just joined it […]