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local travel

This tag is associated with 82 posts

Local Travel in KLM’s inflight magazine

We’ve been actively promoting people to travel like a local since Spotted by Local‘s launch in 2008. Last year, this not for profit website that unites businesses actively promoting Local Travel and travelers was launched. It seems the travel press is starting to get interested too. Last week, KLM’s inflight magazinepublished his article “Stay smart […]

Responsible Tourism Week 2011: February 14-18, 2011

If the third time’s a charm, then the annual Responsible Tourism Week, taking place online from February 14 to 18, will be even more inspiring than the last two. Billed as an unconventional, online unconference, it is a fun mash-up exploring down-to-earth applications of noble concepts including responsible tourism, the Local Travel Movement and ecotourism […]

Going green and staying local, New York style

EscapeMaker.com, a guide to local getaways around New York City, is planning to host its first “Green Getaways, Local Food & Travel Expo” in Brooklyn, NY. Presented by Amtrak© and Zipcar©, the Expo will feature over 50 getaway destinations, from counties to local farms, resorts and bed & breakfasts – within a day’s drive or […]

Go local in Oaxaca, Mexico, during the 2011 Responsible Tourism Fair

From January 30 to February 5, 2011, the Mexican city of Oaxaca will host an unconventional, unconference – the Responsible Tourism Fair. Now in its 11th year, it is a veritable model of the Local Travel Movement and Slow Travel. “Most importantly, the fair will also be a lot of fun,” said Ron Mader, founder […]

The unknown Naoussa, Greece

If you search the net about Naousa or Naoussa, Greece, you will probably only find information about Naousa in Paros Island. There is, however, another Naoussa: a lovely little town in Imathia, Central Macedonia, the land of the ancient Macedonian Kings. Naoussa, just 90km of easy road from Thessaloniki, is a great place if you […]

Thinking globally makes local tourism a heartfelt choice

Sometimes it takes a global village to help the one just down the road. For Fundación En Vía of Oaxaca, Mexico, that means not only reaching out to touch the lives of a nearby community through microfinancing loans and free English classes, but sharing the experience with people from all over the world who would […]

Bringing local to a global audience in Darjeeling, India

I personally believe that there is a difference between a tourist and a traveler. On the one hand, a tourist visits a country, a monument and checks the box: India – check, UNESCO World Heritage Sites – check. On the other hand, a traveler seeks experiences. Yes there will always remain a bit of that […]

Thoughts about Local Travel in Colombia

As globalisation takes over in most industries – a phenomenon to which tourism is no stranger – it is fundamental to connect people to what is really important and unique about a place: Its culture, the idiosyncrasies of its people, the traditional food. One should even go further and show international travellers how local people […]

Going underground

Vicky Baker, freelance journalist and author of www.goinglocaltravel.com/ has written a nice article for Overseas magazine about Local Travel. A small extract: Making a stand against the prescribed, impersonal and well-trodden tour groups is part of a growing trend known as “local travel”. Although some travellers have been putting thes ideas into practice for years, […]

Creating community through volunteering in Oaxaca, Mexico

The women filed one by one into the dirt courtyard, taking seats on a long log bench after greeting each other quietly in Zapotec. They wore traditional full aprons over their everyday dresses; most had ribboned braids and dusty sandals. There was an electric air of anticipation, as though something important were about to happen. […]