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independent traveller

This tag is associated with 62 posts

The responsible traveller – the impact of not knowing the local language

We have all seen the stereotypical struggling tourist abroad, hands flapping, shouting and getting nowhere fast. Is this a responsible way to travel? Or by not trying to learn even a little of the language native to a country we are visit, are we eroding the culture of that country? Entering a room in a […]

Agriturismo in Italy – a great local-travel alternative

If you want to experience Italy in a mindful way and stay true to the values of Local Travel by connecting with Italians and travelling in a way respectful of their environment, history, culture and economy, try staying in an agriturismo. Not only do you reap the benefits of knowing you have done your part […]

Outdoor Albania’s view on local travel

Laura Payne, co-founder of Outdoor Albania and local travel activist, believes that local traveling is about meeting and connecting with the locals and experiencing their culture, as well as about preserving nature and bringing economical benefits to those who need it most. Six years ago, Laura paid her first visit to Albania and directly fell […]

Travel as a local in Los Cabos: the new wave that is changing our destination

What first comes to mind when you hear “travel to Los Cabos”? Wonderful beaches with crystalline water? Luxury hotels with modern and amazing buildings and fine golf facilities? A sport fishing adventure? Being known as a premiere vacation spot in México is not weird; Los Cabos is often described as a strictly luxury beach destination. […]

The Local Travel Movement: How to make your vacations more meaningful

No doubt you’ve heard of the “locavore” movement – the idea of eating food that is grown or raised close to home, sometimes within a 50 or 100 mile radius – but have you heard of the Local Travel Movement? Despite its name, LTM is not, I repeat not, a staycation, the recently coined word […]

Feeling at home

This is the fifth post of a guest series. We ask friends and colleagues to share with us what the expression to “feel at home” means to them. We believe that to truly enjoy a place, you need to really experience it, to make yourself at home. This means different things for different people, but […]

Top five picks for community-based tourism accommodation in sub-equatorial Africa

Nothing beats the experience of staying with locals and supporting their local communities. The WHL Group puts forward here five of its favourite community-based accommodation initiatives in Africa. Liziwes Bed & Breakfast in Cape Town, South Africa As a long but growing list of travellers has already discovered, little rivals the cultural experience of staying […]

Going local in Marrakech, Morocco

My passion for Morocco came to me over 10 years ago during a trip in the south of the country. Since then I have been back many times, but the short visits ended one cold, wet, December afternoon in London when I received a call from a new contact asking me to spend a week […]

Want to travel locally? Walk!

One reason that I’ve walked over 6,650 kilometers around the Mediterranean Sea is to connect with local communities and be exposed to new people, places, cultures, cuisine, ideas and socio-political idiosyncrasies. Though I hope to circumnavigate the entire sea within twenty years, which is the amount of time it took Odysseus to return to Ithaca […]

The travel industry’s dilemma

Bridging the gap between independent and organized group travel An age-old conflict exists between travelers who prefer to strike out on their own – independents – and those who prefer to join organized tours – groupies. Independents refuse to part with their sense of self-driven freedom and adventure. The spontaneity of flying solo with a […]