It was recently announced one of our active members, Ron Mader from is the winner of a TIES Innovation Award – recognizing individuals who have demonstrated leadership in innovative actions that effectively promote sustainable tourism and bring tangible benefits to communities and conservation.
Congratulations to you Ron, and the other winners!
Well deserved Ron.
Cheers………… Len
Nice one Ron – if there’s anyone I know who thoroughly deserves recognition for innovative and tireless work in the field, it’s you.
Many, many thanks!
I like to say that one should never enter a competition one isn’t willing to lose, but winning is quite sweet! I look at this particular award as a confirmation of the type of innovation needed in linking in the virtual and natural worlds. The work developing the Indigenous Tourism and Biodiversity Website Award was complemented by local training with indigenous friends in Oaxaca, Mexico. To receive kudos from the Local Travel Movement is the icing on the cake. Many thanks. You’ve made my day!