Tripping is a hospitality network where travelers meet locals for travel tips, shared cups of coffee and even home stays. We believe that cultural exchange makes the world a better place and we use Tripping to connect with each other.
When you’re traveling, you can use Tripping to connect safely with locals who will introduce you to their towns, their cultures, their lives and their friends. So instead of spending your time visiting over-photographed monuments and over-priced tourist traps, you’ll get to see the local culture through the eyes of the people who live there. You’ll feel welcome everywhere you go and you’ll experience places on a deeper and more meaningful level.
On the flip side, Tripping is also a great way to meet travelers who are visiting your city. Whether you spend an hour with a backpacker or host a visiting family for the weekend, your life will instantly become more colorful, cultural and interesting. You’ll get to experience the world without ever packing a bag and then, when you do have time to travel, you’ll have people and places to visit all over the globe.
Given that Tripping is about connecting travelers with local people, it’s easy to see why we’re excited to be a part of the Local Travel Movement. We know that this is the future of travel and we’re looking forward to collaborating with sites that are also at the forefront of this movement.
Tripping was founded by Jen O’Neal and Nate Weisiger, who were among the first employees at StubHub (an online marketplace acquired by eBay in 2007 for $307M). Joined by Jeff Manheimer, their Partnerships Director who came from Travelzoo, they’ve been working around the clock to make Tripping the best and safest hospitality exchange on the planet.
To learn more, visit the Tripping website
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