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Local – from Planeta.com

Local honey

Photo by Planeta.com

In a globalized world we are also more hyperlocal than ever. We crave the carrotmobs and cater to a growing wave couchsurfers. Locals are using Flickr to show off neighborhood events and visitors are seeking out what makes places unique.

Planeta.com is a proud partner of the Local Travel Movement — the main goal of which is to make ‘local travel’ a key travel trend, aka buzzword that percolates on the Web and on the street. The movement is a celebration of the long tail writ in the world of travel. Quoting Long Tail author Chris Anderson: “Everyone’s taste departs from the mainstream somewhere. The more we explore alternatives the more we are drawn to them.”

Speaking with Ethan Gelber, it’s refreshing to see how optimistic he is about the travel industry and the possibilities of where it can go once localities are valued. Says Ethan: “The local travel movement adds momentum to a growing movement, to a growing sense of awareness within the industry that there is a still a disconnect with the traveler.”

Continue reading this article on Ron Mader’s blog



One Response to “Local – from Planeta.com”

  1. Many thanks for recycling the info from Planeta. This is THE TIME to connect the dots and show the value of local travel. As they say about cycling in Oaxaca, it’s a movement in which we can all participate!

    Posted by Ron Mader | May 6, 2010, 2:20 pm

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