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Local food

Culturezest – share food at your house with visitors

Dinner (by emdot)

A while ago I found out about a fantastic local travel tool / website called CultureZest.

Culturezest is a not for profit website where you can sign up to have a meal at somebody’s house, or invite people at your house. Obviously, sharing food is a great way to experience a new culture and meet locals!

Unfortunately, they’re only available in the US…  Anybody know of a website like this in Europe?



One Response to “Culturezest – share food at your house with visitors”

  1. Nice find!

    We have a similar program where you may dine with locals in their home. (This includes kid friendly options too). Our experiences are in a few regions in the EU as well as in Canada…

    Although we are currently working on a new Beta site which will allow curious travellers to search/book such interactive add-on experiences online – please check us out http://www.cupoflocalsugar.com for more info. (FYI -We are always thrilled to hear from potential Locals who wish to join our network!)

    Posted by Rebecca Stasko | October 4, 2011, 10:32 am

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