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Local tours

UNDERGUIDE & Responsible Travelling

Underguide Travel Concept was born way before we heard about Responsible Travelling. We realized later on that the way of travelling we love & offer to our travellers is what the world calls Sustainable or Responsible Travelling. Today we are proud to say that with all Underguide programs and services we aim to make tourism more sustainable, accessible to everybody and to support responsible travellers to discover Hungary their way.

Responsible travelling is a way of being while you are ’on the road again’, a philosophy that we share with our travellers and an approach of tourism for professionals like we are that entails doing business differently. The attitude of living and really discovering the destination, the idea of bringing travellers as close as possible to local life, the goal of making travellers & local people meet each other for real, the fact that we aim to promote local producers and artists, as well as the tolerance and respect for the diversity are all the foundation and the consequence of responsible tourism and ideas we believe in.

We believe that our Underguides – all local people living & loving their town and willing to share this feeling with foreigners – are the best connections to Budapest and Hungary as they have all professional and personal skills to be the ones who will open your eyes to our culture and way of life far better than a simple professional.


What makes Underguide’s programs conform to the idea of Responsible Travelling?

  • we make you live your destination, we do everything for you to be an active part of it and to leave your imprint  – that’s the idea how all our programs are built up.
  • you will meet plenty of local people who can not only tell you about our past but also can give you an insight into everyday reality – check out our GoLocal programs for details!
  • our goal is to make you discover Hungary just as if you had come to visit a friend – this is why we call our people ’underguides’ as they are not just professionals but chosen – for their personality and attitude – and formed for being your local connections. All of us are well-travelled and we know exactly how better it is to have a local mate and not just a guide.
  • All our underguides are locals who live & love their home town and country
  • We care for all environmental issues we touch: our office is as ’green’ as possible, we offer mostly walking programs with public transport or bike use, we preferred cleaning a monument of Budapest and offering this to everybody to spending on useless Christmas gadgets and we always look for new issues to minimize the negative environmental effect of our activity.
  • We support local producers and we will lead you to the best local souvenir-, design-, contemporary urban handcraft-, local cheese & wine shops and plenty of other studios and manufactures of your style.
  • We work against over consumption and useless over spending during holidays and we will take you to places where locals go and pay local rates.

We believe local life is accessible to everybody – there is a world to discover for every budget and a way to enjoy the town the same way for people with all kind of disability

budapestUNDERGUIDE – Go Local!

Facebook life: budapestUNDERGUIDE
Twittering: bpUNDERGUIDE
Blogging: www.budapestgolocal.blogspot.com

Photo below: we organized a free walk on the topic of Sustainable Travel discovering local designers’ works, on Earth Day 2011



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