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Responsible Tourism Week 2011: February 14-18, 2011

Responsible Tourism Week 2011 logo

If the third time’s a charm, then the annual Responsible Tourism Week, taking place online from February 14 to 18, will be even more inspiring than the last two.

Billed as an unconventional, online unconference, it is a fun mash-up exploring down-to-earth applications of noble concepts including responsible tourism, the Local Travel Movement and ecotourism with practical and inexpensive Web 2.0 technologies. (Take a look at what was accomplished in 2010.)

“Simply put, this online event is an excellent way to broaden and deepen our dialogue about sustainable practice and tourism,” writes Ron Mader, Founder of Planeta and the driving force behind Responsible Tourism Week. “It encourages participants to articulate their core values and the way they put noble ideas into practice. We spotlight living, breathing examples of responsible tourism. RT Week provides an opportunity to introduce new events, tours and research projects as well as an opportunity to summarize recent events.”

Continue reading this article on The Travel Word blog



3 Responses to “Responsible Tourism Week 2011: February 14-18, 2011”

  1. We are gearing up for Responsible Tourism Week. Writing articles and have a refresh of our client eco-packs!

    Posted by Kate | February 11, 2011, 4:13 pm


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Simon Woodward and Karen Simmonds, LocalTravelMovement. LocalTravelMovement said: Responsible Tourism Week 2011 runs from February 14-18, 2011 – http://bit.ly/eAC4FV #rtweek2011 […]

  2. […] at The Responsible Safari Company were excited to celebrate Responsible Tourism Week, but it also sparked some heated discussions and questions in the office about how responsible we […]

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